Holidays & Other Useful Information


If your child is off school due to illness, please telephone or email the school to advise them of this. When your child returns to school please provide a written explanation of their absence within two weeks of their absence, as required by the Education Welfare Officer.  Please click here to read our attendance policy.

Dinner Money
A school dinner costs £2.50. Payment by ePayments preferred,  or alternatively by cash/cheque payable to Cheshire East Council.  Please pay weekly (on the Monday for the week) or half-termly in advance.

Holiday dates

Click on the relevant link below for more information
School Dinner Menu

Click here Summer 2024 Menu for the latest menu and for our allergy charts.

School Uniform

School uniform is not compulsory at Rainow Primary School.  However, we do encourage the wearing of uniform to create a sense of belonging to our community.  To keep costs low and minimise environmental impact we promote donating unwanted uniform to friends and family. If you would like to donate used uniform to the Friends of Rainow School(our PTA), they will sell it to raise funds for the school. There are also excellent, class parent groups (WhatApp and other) which donate outgrown or unwanted items. You FRS class representatives will be happy to help or contact the school office to find out more. 

You can purchase new uniform from Classworx who stock items with our school logo. Alternatively, you can purchase appropriately coloured items such as jumpers and polo shirts from your usual stores e.g. Tesco's.


  • sensible shoes
  • grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • white polo shirt
  • green cardigan, v-neck jumper or round neck sweatshirt
  • green and white summer dresses (may be worn in warm weather only)

PE kit:

  • trainers
  • white tee-shirt
  • black shorts and/or
  • black leggings and/or
  • jogging bottoms
  • green PE hoodie 

Class teachers will inform parents / carers of the days when PE kit will be worn. On the designated days children should come to school dressed in their PE kit. A PE hoodie/jumper/cardigan should still be worn on PE days.

Please see our School Uniform Policy here for further information.

Files to Download

Our Vision:

Growing a community of life-long learners who will care for each other,
who will work hard to learn new things every day,
and who will achieve more than they thought possible.

Contact us at Rainow Primary School

Headteacher: Mr J Norris
SENCO: Mrs Daley
Round Meadow,
SK10 5UB
Contact: Miss Welsh, Business Manager/DPO