Chair of Governors (November 2019) - Paula Riordan - email:
The Governing Body works in partnership with the Headteacher and staff to ensure that the delivery of the curriculum, the use of public resources and the effectiveness of teaching and learning are of the highest possible standard.
The Governors of Rainow School are responsible for the strategic leadership of the school but are not involved in its day-to-day operation.
The Governing Body:
- agrees the school budget, prioritises spending and approves staffing levels;
- monitors the standards of achievement;
- ensures delivery of the curriculum;
- provides a parental voice;
- oversees the maintenance of the school premises;
- formulates school policies;
- appoints the Headteacher and supports in the appointment of other staff;
- acts as the school's 'critical friend', providing both support and challenge.
All Governors are volunteers and there is no payment for the role.
An information / induction pack for new governors can be found here.
The Governors Code of Conduct can be found here.
The Rainow School Instrument of Governance is here.
Part 1 Minutes from our latest meetings are here.
Governing Body Membership as at 1/09/2024
Category of Governor | Governors' Names | Term of office | Appointing body |
Chair | Paula Riordan | 13 Nov 2022 - 12 Nov 2026 | co-opted |
Staff (Head) | Jonathan Norris | 01 September 2016 | |
Staff | Nicola Daley | 5 Mar 2025 - 4 Mar 2029 | Elected by the staff |
Local Authority | Julien Rye | 25 Jul 2021 - 24 July 2025 | Appointed by local authority |
Parent | Blair Whitehurst | 23 Nov 2022 - 22 Nov 2026 | Elected by the parents |
Parent | Dean Grice | 13 Nov 2022 - 12 Nov 2026 | Elected by the parents |
Co-opted (Vice Chair) | Peter Grogan | 17 Nov 2021 - 16 Nov 2025 | Appointed by the GB |
Co-opted | Helen Pugh | 19 Mar 2023 - 18 Mar 2027 | Appointed by the GB |
Co-opted | Richard Stockwell | 18 Sept 2019 - 13 Oct 2023 | Appointed by the GB |
Co-opted | Rosie Cole | 22 Nov 2023 - 21 Nov 2027 | Appointed by the GB |
Co-opted | Stephen Hall | 22 Nov 23 - 21 Nov 2027 | Appointed by the GB |
Parent | Thomas Parke | 5 June 24 - 4 June 2028 | Elected by the parents |
Governing Body Committee Structure, 2024-25
Governing Body Chair: Paula Riordan Governing Body Vice Chair: Peter Grogan |
Buildings & Premises Committee | Teaching & Learning Committee | Finance Comittee | Headteacher's Performance Management Committee | Pay Committee | Appeals |
1.Peter Grogan (Chair) |
1. Peter Grogan (Chair) | 1. Julien Rye (Chair) | 1. Paula Riordan(Chair) | 1.Helen Pugh (Chair) | 1. Julien Rye |
2. Dean Grice | 2. Nicola Daley (Staff) | 2. Jonathan Norris | 2. Peter Grogan | 2. Richard Stockwell | 2. Paula Riordan |
3. Blair Whitehurst | 3. Jonathan Norris (HT) | 3. Richard Stockwell | 3. Dean Grice | ||
4. Stephen Hall | 4. Paula Riordan | 4. Rosie Cole | 4. Jonathan Norris | ||
5. Jonathan Norris | 5. Richard Stockwell | 5. Paula Riordan | 5. Paula Riordan | ||
6. Dean Grice | |||||
7. Helen Pugh | |||||
8. Blair Whitehurst | |||||
9. Thomas Parke | Pay Appeals (3): | ||||
Suggested roles to be on committee: | Suggested roles to be on committee: | Suggested roles to be on committee: | Suggested roles to be on committee: | Suggested roles to be on committee: | |
Meeting Frequency: Twice yearly (& as required) |
Meeting Frequency: Once per term (& as required) |
Meeting Frequency: Once per term (& as required) |
Meeting Frequency: Six monthly (& as required) |
Meeting Frequency: Twice yearly (& as required) |
Additional notes: All above committees have a quorum of 3. Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings to be held three times per year; & End of Year Review meeting. Ad hoc committees to be constituted as and when required e.g. Coplaints, Pupil Discipline / Exclusions, Staff Disciplinary/Disimissal; Pay Appeals; Recruitment etc. Training Liaision Governor: Richard Stockwell |
Name of Governor | Named Business and/or personal interests with School (spouse/partner/relative) | Member of any other educational establishment (list below) |
Nicola Daley Staff Governor |
Nil | Nil |
Dean Grice Parent Governor |
NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG |
Nil |
Peter Grogan Parent Governor |
Nil | Nil |
Blair Whitehurst Parent Governor |
Nil | Nil |
Jonathan Norris Staff Governor |
Headteacher at Rainow Primary School, son of David Norris Associates (Building, Surveyor, Design) | Nil |
Helen Pugh Associate Governor |
Nil | Assistant Head teacher at Tytherington High School |
Paula Riordan Parent Governor |
Nil | Principal at The Guild for Lifelong Learning |
Julien Rye LA Governor |
Consultant at BDO LLP | Nil |
Rosie Cole Copted Governor |
tbc | tbc |
Stephen Hall Coopted Governor |
tbc | tbc |
Richard Stockwell Parent Governor |
Nil |
Nil |
Thomas Parker |
Nil | Deputy Head at All Hallow's Catholic College 6th Form |
Governors who have resigned/term ended in the last 12 months |