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Students who are happy and healthy tend to:

  • Develop and improve concentration, motivation and energy levels
  • Develop coping skills for life
  • Build and maintain better relationships
  • Successfully overcome difficulties
  • Continue with and be successful in their academic studies

(Oxford Impact Study https://oxfordimpact.oup.com/home/wellbeing-impact-study/)

As a school, we acknowledge the importance of the wellbeing of the whole of our community.  Historically, we have celebrated this during a Wellbeing Week in the autumn term as well as part of our ongoing teaching and learning.  This has been identified an even greater priority for us and our community, and therefore, not only will the children learn about understanding themselves and their emotions through our ongoing PSHE and RSE curriculum, but, as part of our whole-school approach, we will also have dedicated days to explicitly focus on the ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’. Ultimately, we aim to equip the children with the skills necessary to recognise and regulate their emotions and be resilient when faced with challenge.

We have decided to make the first day back after each school holiday a ‘Wellbeing Day’.  For many of us, returning to school/work after a break can feel daunting and/or cause anxiety, and so it seemed to us to be the perfect time to specifically focus on everyone’s wellbeing.  Knowing what to expect on these days can also help alleviate any potential stress caused by uncertainty and change.  Each day will have a different theme and the children will have the opportunity to take part in non-academic activities around this.  The emphasis will be on settling back into school in a safe and supportive way. 



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Our Vision:

Growing a community of life-long learners who will care for each other,
who will work hard to learn new things every day,
and who will achieve more than they thought possible.

Contact us at Rainow Primary School

Headteacher: Mr J Norris
SENCO: Mrs Daley
Round Meadow,
SK10 5UB
Contact: Miss Welsh, Business Manager/DPO